FES Media Center

  • Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader

    Our resources are available to teachers, students and parents.

    Book check out is as follows:
    Pre K - K: 1 book limit
    Grades 1: 2 book limit
    Grades 2-5: 3 book limit 

    Books are checked out for 3 weeks, but students may return books before the two-week deadline if they choose.
    Overdue notices are sent out periodically, as a reminder, but no overdue fines are charged.

    The FES Media Center operates on an open flexible schedule with teachers scheduling instructional classes as needed.
    Students are allowed to come to the Media Center anytime with the teacher's permission.

    The Media Center will host two Book Fairs per year...one in the Fall and one in the Spring.

    Parent volunteers are welcome and needed. Please contact Ms. Johnson or our Parent Liaison Jasmine Butcher if you are interested in giving your time.

Media Center Staff

  • Sara Johnson
    Media Specialist

    Ellena Williams