• Getting to know RSMS

     School Hours:

    • 8:10 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. The office opens from 7:40 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.
    • Students should not be dropped off before supervision begins at 7:40 a.m.


    • To excuse an absence, remember to send in a note within three days of an absence. To be considered “excused,” the absence must meet the criteria outlined on page 8 of the student agenda.

    Car Rider Procedures

    • Students must be dropped off and picked up in the circular drive anywhere along the sidewalk. Please pull forward as far as possible to allow more cars into the drop-off/pick-up zone at the same time.
    • Do not drop students in the parking lot or at other schools in the complex.
    • Golf cart riders use the cart corral for drop-off/pick-up. Middle school students are not allowed to drive golf carts to school.
    • If you need to exit the parking lot during drop-off or pick-up times, make a right turn out of the parking lot and use the inner part of the circle drive to bypass the line and exit quickly. DO NOT MAKE A LEFT TURN out of the parking lot. While waiting to make the turn, no cars can get into the circle, thus slowing down the process.

    Dress Code:

    • Please review the dress code in the student agenda.

    Early Dismissal:

    • No students will be called for early dismissal after 2:50 p.m. If you have an after-school appointment and need to pick up your child, please keep the 2:50 deadline in mind and plan accordingly.

    Lost and Found:

    • Lost and Found is located on racks in the cafeteria. Items left in Lost and Found are donated to charity quarterly.

    Sick Children:

    • Students who feel ill at school should go to the clinic to see the nurse before texting or calling parents. If your child contacts you to say he/she is sick, please direct him/her to go to the clinic.

    Who's Who:

    • If you have questions or concerns, here are some support people to contact to help you or direct you to the appropriate person: