
  • The following information was taken from the Fayette County Board of Education's website ( If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse. (Click here for clinic information)


    • Immunization & Certificate Information

    (Click here for information)


    • School Health Services Flyers & Forms

    (Click here for flyers and forms)


    Student Illness/Injury The main reasons for keeping your student home from school are he/she is too sick to participate comfortably at school or might spread a contagious disease to other students. If your student has been diagnosed with a contagious disease, please contact the clinic so other student's parents and school staff may be alerted of the symptoms. Primary reasons to keep your student home from school include the following conditions listed below. Your student may not return to school until they have been fever-free and symptom-free for ONE FULL school day (i.e. If your child goes home sick at 11:00am on Monday, your child can not return to school until Wednesday morning.). When there is doubt in your mind about sending your student to school, consult your doctor. Your school nurse or principal may ask for a "Release to Return to School" from your doctor before returning to school. Please make sure that your student's school knows how to reach you during the day. Please follow the following guidelines when determining when (or if) to keep your child home from school:


    Chickenpox Should stay home until all bumps are scabbed and no new bumps have shown up in 2 days. Call your doctor for treatment of symptoms.
    Fever greater than 100 degrees F or 37.8 degrees Celsius* Should stay home until there is NO FEVER for 24 hours WITHOUT MEDICATION. Call your doctor if the fever is with pain, rash, weakness, vomiting or diarrhea. (*Based on CDC Recommendations)
    Head Lice Should stay home until treated and nits removed. Must be cleared by Clinic to return to school.
    Impetigo Should stay home if red, oozing blisters with yellow scabs on body or face. Call your doctor for treatment and release to return to school.
    Persistent Coughing Should stay home if cough worse than you would expect with a cold. Call your doctor if trouble breathing or has a fever.
    Persistent Ear Pain Should stay home if severe or recurrent ear pain. Call your doctor for treatment.
    Pinkeye Should stay home if eye red with cloudy or yellow drainage. Call your doctor for treatment.
    Scabies Should stay home with scabies itching and rash for 24 hours after treatment begins. Call your doctor for treatment.
    Sore Throat Should stay home if sore throat with fever or severe sore throat without fever. Call your doctor if there is a quick onset of fever and sore throat without cold symptoms.
    Stomach Ache Should stay home if complaints of stomach ache especially with movement or eating. Call your doctor for treatment.
    Vomiting and Diarrhea Should stay home with ONE event of watery vomiting or diarrhea. Call your doctor if vomiting or diarrhea continues or with fever, rash or weakness.


    Student Emergency / Safety Information


    Please make corrections, sign and return your student's Emergency/Safety Card. This information must be updated annually to enable us to contact you in case of an emergency. If any information changes during the school year, contact the school immediately.


    School Medication Administration


    The Fayette County School's Medication Policy will be followed for all medications given during school hours.

    • The parent or legal guardian must complete and sign a School Medication Authorization for all medications (prescription and over-the-counter) given at school. For prescription medications, a duly-licensed, Georgia physician must also complete and sign the School Medication Authorization or Health Care Plan available on the FCBOE website or from your school nurse.
    • A parent/legal guardian or other designated adult must bring all medication, accompanied by the School Medication Authorization or Health Care Plan, to the school clinic unless special permission given by the principal or school nurse.
    • All over-the-counter medications and prescription medications must be FDA approved and in their original containers with unexpired dates and labeled in English. Prescription medications must be clearly labeled with the physician's name, medication’s name, strength, dosage, date, time for administration, and dispensing pharmacy. Parent/Guardian must provide over-the-counter medications to the clinic.
    • If your student has a life-threatening condition (i.e. asthma, diabetes, or severe allergy), permission may be granted to carry the medication (such as inhaler, glucose tablet, Epi-pen, or internal Insulin pump) on his or her person from the student's physician and parent/guardian on the School Medication Authorization or Health Care Plan.
    • Saline eye drops, antibiotic ointment, lotion to control itching (i.e. Calamine lotion), alcohol, peroxide, petroleum jelly (i.e. Vaseline), oral Benzocaine (i.e. Anbesol), topical wound dressing (i.e. QR or Styptic Pencil), un-medicated throat lozenges/cough drops, and aloe vera gel are routinely used in the school clinic unless instructed differently by the parent/guardian.

    Immunization Certificates


    All students entering or attending Grades Pre-KG through 12th grade in the Fayette County School System are required to have a complete Georgia Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231) in accordance with Georgia Law, OCGA 20-2-771. All students must be immunized against disease as specified by the Georgia Department of Human Resources, or have medical or religious exemption on file at school. Immunization information and flyers for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, "New Entrants", and 6th Grade students are available on the FCBOE website.

    Health Care Plans


    If your student has a severe allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizures or other chronic health condition which may require medication or special care during school hours, we recommend you and your healthcare provider complete and sign a Health Care Plan available on the FCBOE website or from your school nurse.