Parking Information


    Parking on the McIntosh campus is a privilege, not a right. That privilege may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the school administration. Parking spaces are very limited, so please be aware that failure to follow procedures may result in the revocation of your parking privileges. Due to limited parking availability, students will only be permitted to purchase either a car or golf cart parking permit.

    Students must comply with all standard driving regulations and the following: 

    1. Permits will be sold only to eligible, licensed students.
    2. Students must have a valid MHS parking permit attached to the lower left-hand corner of their windshield in order to park on the MHS campus.
    3. Parking permits must be attached with the adhesive on the sticker--no tape or cellophane may be used. Any permit that is taped or has cellophane on it may be revoked.
    4. Permits may not be transferred under any circumstance, including from person to person, car to golf cart, or golf cart to car. Violations of this regulation will result in the loss of your permit for the remainder of the school year.
    5. If a student is expelled from MHS or withdrawn for any reason, his/her parking permit will be revoked without refund, and neither the student nor any representation of that student may sell or transfer the permit to any other person.
    6. Parking regulations are in effect 24 hours a day. Parking permits are required during the school day.
    7. For the safety of all students, a speed limit of ten (10) mph will be enforced in the car parking lot, and a five (5) mph speed limit will be enforced in the golf cart parking area. Reckless driving may result in the loss of the parking permit.
    8. Students should lock their vehicles, remove all valuables and personal items, and enter the school promptly after parking. No loitering in cars, golf carts, or the parking lot is permitted.
    9. Students are only permitted to go to their vehicles during school hours with the permission of an administrator.
    10. All vehicles parked on campus are subject to being searched.
    11. No person has the right to block another person's vehicle.
    12. Any student who leaves campus without permission will forfeit their parking permit and its privileges for 15 school days. A second offense will result in the loss of the permit for 30 school days. A third offense will result in the loss of the permit for the remainder of the school year, and there will be no refund of permit fees.
    13. Students may only park in a designated parking area. Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis; no reserved spaces exist.
    14. Cars and golf carts parked in unauthorized areas or without parking permits may be towed at the owner's expense.
    15. Students may not display signs, flags, stickers, etc., on their vehicles that are inflammatory or degrading to a particular race, creed, or culture, suggest profanity, or advertise tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
    16. Golf carts must be moved out of the lower lot near the home stands within 30 minutes of the end of the school day.


    • Car Permits - $60, Golf Cart Permits $40.
    • To be eligible, students must be in good standing and not have any outstanding obligations. 
    • Students must present a valid Driver's License. 
    • Students must complete a registration form.
    • Parking Permits will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Car parking permits are for Senior and Junior students only. 

    Sophomores and Freshmen may only purchase a golf cart permit.

    • To be eligible, students must not have any outstanding obligations.
    • Students must present a valid Georgia Learners Permit.
    • Students must complete a registration form. 

    Please use the following schedule to reserve a permit for the 2024-2025 school year. Failure to follow the schedule may invalidate your reservation.


    • April 29: Rising Seniors may begin reserving a car or golf cart permit (one or the other, not both)
    • May 6: Rising Juniors may begin reserving a car or golf cart permit (one or the other, not both)
    • May 13: Rising Sophomores may begin reserving a golf cart permit
    • May 20: Rising Freshmen may begin reserving a golf cart permit
    • May 20-June 7: Payments due for parking permits; check or cash (students will receive a verification email approving their registration before making payment).


    1. Students must be logged into their FCBOE student Google account to access the parking reservation forms. (reservations made from non-student accounts will be voided)
    2. Once the reservation has been verified, students will receive an email with the information to complete their purchase. 
    3. Reservations for car and golf cart permits will close at noon on May 31, and all payments must be made to the front office by June 7, 12:00 PM. Payments can be made with cash or check.

    Any remaining permits will be sold during student orientation and the first week of the 2024-2025 school year.